Sunday, 24 July 2005
About 35 weeks
Mood:  lazy
Now Playing: UB40- Ooh Baby I Love Your Way
Topic: Pregnancy
I could just lay in bed all day and be content! *sigh* So, I should be cleaning up the house, packing our stuff to move, but that is just not happening. Well its only 3pm and I did a lot of stuff yesterday, so I'm not gonna worry TOO much.

Robby just got a new painting job, so he's stoked about that and I'm stoked that he's stoked. He's also trying to work at Starbucks early mornings AND he's been running around all day posting up fliers for Surf Lessons. I hope he doesn't overload himself, but I'm glad to see him happy. :)

I think we'll be moving into the new place in the next couple of days. YAE!!! I've been having those nesting urges to get everything all nice and clean and set up, but my efforts don't show very much here... At least we'll have a place that is JUST OURS and I can actually be in control of the cleanliness you know??? And I can decorate the way I want to...create our little sanctuary. AND I'm going to start preparing meals to freeze. I"m gonna make different kinds of breads, pizza crusts or completely made pizzas, lasagna, burritos, fish sticks, salmon fishcakes, soups, guacamole, and more!! Haha, I hope there's enough room in the freezer. :)

I'M GETTING SO EXCITED!!! Still 6 weeks to go...but I bet the next 2 or 3 will go by pretty quick with the moving and stuff. The weeks after that will probably be spent doing extra cooking and researching vaccines, writing birth affirmations, possibly painting..... *sigh*

Hey guess what, I just motivated myself to get more packing I'm gonna go do that and then get some rest. I hope we'll be moving within the next 2 days!!

Posted by shell024 at 12:01 AM PDT

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