Tuesday, 12 July 2005
33 Weeks
Mood:  spacey
Topic: Pregnancy
Okay, I'll be 40 weeks in 7 weeks (but I have a feeling I'm gonna go to 41 or 42 weeks...). A month and a half to go. I'm feeling the whole lot of emotions lately. Happy, excited, scared, worried, anxious, expectant, peaceful, complete, stuck, overwhelmed, overjoyed, sad, sentimental, accepting, and hopeful.
This baby (boy??) is moving SOOO much!! He's either dancing, doing aerobics, kickboxing, or just stretching. ALL THE TIME. His favorite times to play soccer with mama's belly are around 5am, 10am, 3pm, 7pm, 12am, and probably sometime between 12 and 5 too.... And almost everytime I eat or drink something, or walk around for awhile. I still have 6 yoga classes, guess I should use them and not let em go to waste...
BUT we're in the middle of trying to move into a new place. And Robby's really busy, so I don't really have transportation. I'm thinking of trying to go tomorrow evening, but tomorrow's Robby's birthday (happy birthday honey!!!)... so who knows. I've just been stretching on our bed everyday.
We're still planning on a UC (unassisted childbirth), much to some certain family members' and friends' worry. But I can understand their worry, as they have not done the extensive research into the subject. And even still, their views may just be different from mine. That's fine though. I don't really want them all worried, but I can't do much to change that, since UC is not a societal norm (not in the U.S. anyway).
On that note, I am VERY excited and can't wait to go into labor. But at the same time, I want to cherish this time, when the baby is safe inside my stomach, all warm and cozy. Haha, judging from his movements, I'm guessing he's pretty excited to get out of there though. :)
Robby's really excited. I love him so much. At times we are amazed, other times just like "WHOA--we're having a baby". But most of the time, we are just so happy and excited and feel our love already multiplying.

Well, its kinda late and I'm gonna get some ZzZz's. (Ha, its 11:15pm....right when I start falling asleep in half an hour...little baby will decide its time for aerobics!). He has hiccups right now. So funny. I feel helpless that I can't get rid of them for him. lol.

Good night, peace to all

Posted by shell024 at 12:01 AM PDT

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